Emmaus Monastery

The Benedictine monastery founded by Charles IV as a haven for the Slavic liturgy (Na Slovanech) fell into despair in the Hussite era. This monastery was consecrated on Easter Monday 1372, thus its name is a reminder of the Easter gospel, which tells of the journey of the disciples to Emmaus. The minster´s Baroque spires…

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New world (Nový Svět) Prague

In the 16th century, a humble settlement emerged on the northern outskirts of the Castle District, over the ditch of the Brusnice stream: the “New World”. The area has retained its romantic appeal although the small houses in the narrow lane have burned down several times over the course of the centuries. The people living…

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Bedrich Smetana Museum

The Bedrich Smetana museum is housed in the neo-Renaissance building of the former Old Town Waterworks on the Vltava River near Charles Bridge built in 1883-84 according to plans by Antonín Wiehl. It is a place with stunning views of the Vltava River and the panorama of Prague Castle. This unconventional exhibition describes the life…

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Old Prague Legends

Prague has a rich history and also a lot of legends. There is a great project that brings you some of the legends in the form of short animated videos. All stories are very impressive, emotionally strong, sometimes scary, and all of them have a moral reference. We are offering you one of the legends…

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Church of SS Cyril and Methodius

A beautiful church bearing the memory of an enormous courage in the fight against the Nazi´s during the World War II. The church probably owes its Baroque verve to Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer and was built from 1730 to 1736. The interior of the Orthodox church features stucco paintings by Michele Ignazio Palliardi and frescos by…

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Prague House Symbols

Long before the people of Prague identified their houses with numbers, they marked their dwellings by using so-called house symbols, whose imagery is usually linked in some way or another to the history of the house itself, or to the trade that was practiced within its walls (like bells, cans, rings, goblets, keys, etc.). The…

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Franz Kafka and Prague

Franz Kafka has become a synonym for turn-of-the-century Prague like no other. Visitors come by the thousands to trace his footsteps on the banks of the Vltava river. Franz Kafka was born in 1883 on the outskirts of the then still existing Prague ghetto. After his studies at the German University of Prague, Kafka worked…

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Black Light Theatre in Prague

Prague is rich not only in history but also in culture. The black light theatre has a long tradition and there are many black light theatres in Prague. The quality of each is different and it might be difficult for a visitor to choose the right one. We provide our guests with concierge services and…

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